1. Decide if you will seek a life coach or do shadow work on your own
You do not have to seek out a life coach to do shadow work. However, it can be helpful to have someone else to guide you through the process. A trained professional can spot patt,erns within you that you may not be aware of. They can also give you the tools you will need to deal with any triggers you may uncover.
Plus, life coaches can provide you with personalized prompts to guide you through your shadow work journey. We do not recommend mainstream therapy as they are regulated by the very artificial applications your shadow work is trying to rid.
I offer several life coaching programs that can assist you in your shadow work, which can be viewed HERE.
2. Practice catching yourself
To start shadow work, it is important to spot your inner shadow. To do this, you can start by spotting bad habits you may have. What patterns do you tend to repeat in your life that you feel are holding you back?
You should also pay attention to your triggers to spot your shadow. Triggers remind you of things like past trauma, the things you are afraid of and do not innerstand, or maybe not have the patience for, which are usually associated with your shadow. Those triggers are messages to help you realize your shadow wants to be seen.
When you catch yourself with a bad thought, immediately tell yourself, "This does not belong to you, nor does it serve you. Get rid of it." Get in the habit of asking yourself three questions before you think, say or do something, "Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?" This is also a good opportunity to practice the pause.
4. Avoid shaming (or being ashamed of) your shadow
Embrace your shadow and have compassion for yourself. Remember that it is tough to not feel accepted, especially by yourself. People typically beat themselves up for making mistakes, but what they tend to forget is your past mistakes were life lessons, not life sentences. Your shadow work is not a race. You are exactly where you need to be right here and now. So go easy on yourself.
5. Meditate to observe your triggers
Notice the triggers that cause emotional reactions within you. Then, you can meditate on them so you can step back and observe what is happening. Observe without being judgmental. When emotions come up, simply become aware of them and let them go.
For an explanation on some different styles of meditation, visit our page HERE. We also offer guided meditations.
6. Keep a shadow journal
A shadow journal is a safe and practical way to express all sides of yourself. You can let out your thoughts, both light and dark, using the written word.
You can make it a daily practice to write in your journal. Do not censor yourself. Let it all out. Write whatever comes up without overthinking it. At first, what comes up may feel uncomfortable, but it is important to lean into it if you want your shadow self to feel heard.
7. Express your inner shadow artistically
Art is a powerful way to let your shadow self express itself. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions you need to feel when you are creating art, even if they are dark. Express them while using the medium of your choice. This can be painting, sculpture, singing, digital art, music, or anything else you want.
Do not be afraid to be spontaneous. Create what your inner self wants to create, no matter what it looks like.
8. Start an inner dialogue
You can learn from your shadow by having an inner conversation with it. To do this, you can use a process similar to meditation. Ask your shadow some questions and wait for an answer.
Keep an open mind, even if it feels weird. Journal the answer and make sure that you are listening without judgment.
9. Use affirmations
Affirmations are a great tool to use in your shadow work but, there is in fact a catch. If you simply repeat affirmations with the wrong intentions, emotions and feelings, then the affirmation will have no positive effect on you. You have to recite your affirmations with positive intentions, emotions and feeling. You have to believe in them.
Many believe they can simply recite "I am" affirmations and all is well. That may be true to an extent, but "I am" affirmations are typically geared for the root chakra. Here is a list of affirmations starts, for each chakra.
Root Chakra - I am...
Sacral Chakra - I feel...
Solar Plexus - I can, (do)...
Heart Chakra - I love (forgive)...
Throat Chakra - I speak (express)...
Third-Eye Chakra - I see...
Crown Chakra - I know (innerstand)...
Of course there are more techniques one can utilize though.