Here is a technique that I have used, which worked for me. Now it may, or may not work for you, but give it a try.
Imagine walking into a zoo, like you would with your family on any other day. Look off to your left, and you see a huge cage with a sign in front of it that says "Politics". In that cage, you see all the politicians from local, state, and federal governments, in their expensive Armani suits, wearing all the jewelry, paid for by the taxpayer, and they are reaching their arms out through the cage begging and pleading for you to release them. Now ask yourself, "Do politics benefit my higher good on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual manner?" The answer would be an emphatic no. So you leave them all caged up.
Now you look around you, and you see the medical industry in their lab coats and scrubs, and they are doing the same thing, begging and pleading for you to release them. You ask yourself that same question, and then leave them caged up. The same concept goes for every other artificial application, or social construct, created by man in this agreed upon cognitive model of reality, called society.
Now keep in mind something here, it has to benefit your higher self in a positive, high vibrational manner, in "all four aspects of self", not just one or two of them, but all four, because they are a package deal. By the time you get to the end of the zoo, you will look back, and realize that you left every one of them locked up.
You have to literally walk away from all of it. Stop watching cable TV and get rid of it. Stop following politics. Take your kids out of public education and homeschool them. Live naturally, and find home remedies, instead of running to the doctor every time you have the sniffles.
All of your life's woes stem from your ego; every bit of it. When you walk away from everything that does not serve your higher good, and you work diligently on your shadow work, you will eventually experience a level of inner peace you never thought was possible. But it all starts with you.
So how bad do you want it? That is the ultimate question.