Your intention is to expand your consciousness past the Earth and the Physical, Emotional and Mental planes so you may connect to the Akashic Records within the Quantum Field.
1. Intention
You want to start with a good intention before going into the Records. You can get the deepest healings and the best results. Making an intention is the easiest way to keep your focus and to get the best results for your life.
Your first intention should be simple. Start your first meditation with the intention to go into the Akashic Records within the Quantum Field and unwind an event from your childhood that still bugs you, but is not a huge emotional deal. Something small yet important to you. In other words, a memorable but minor event.
Select an event like this and set your intention to enter the Akashic Records in the Quantum Field and unwind it.
2. Relax your body
To relax, get in a comfortable position, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Relax every muscle in your body.
3. Clear your thoughts and align your chakras
Clear your thought forms and activate and align your chakras. Having all your chakras aligned creates a coherence that allows your ego to take a back seat while you are in the Records. Before entering the Records, you will clear these thought forms out of the way and then activate and align your chakras, so you are ready to receive the deepest insight and healing.
In this step, you set the intention to do the meditation to clear your thought forms and activate and align your chakras which creates a coherence. Once the thought forms clear and the chakras are activated and aligned, you should feel your heart expand and become the Toroidal Field around your body. That Torus is a moving vortex of energy, and when activated it opens up your consciousness and helps you connect to the Akashic Records.
4. Expand your heart into the Akashic Records
Your intention in this step is to expand beyond the Physical, Emotional and Mental planes into the Akashic Records within the Quantum Field. This creates a radical shift in what you can do in the Records.
Once you cohere in Step Three (above), you want to feel the heart center and allow
it to expand out and become aware of your whole energy field as a Toroidal Field. Basically, you are expanding your consciousness. You want to expand your consciousness because your consciousness has unlimited energy and can easily become one with the Universe. Your consciousness has done this thousands of times before. It has done it every time it has let go of your awareness of the physical body during sleep or in meditation.
Being cohered during this process from the previous step is essential since the ego mind will have less to say and your higher consciousness will follow the path it is used to and that it knows well. You are expanding past your Physical bodies into the Universe, past the stars and planets into the Emotional Plane, into the Mental Plane, and then beyond these, into the Akashic Records within the Quantum Field.
You know you are there when you feel expanded, you do not see anything, and you feel calm. If you are questioning whether you are there or not, start all over again and cohere and expand. The ego is the only part of you that questions. Your soul or higher consciousness knows where it is going and what it is doing. So if you find yourself doubting, keep working on the foundational steps.
5. State your intention again
State your intention again from Step One (above) about what you want to do in the
Records. As you do, the information available in the Records that serves your purpose will start to unfold around you. You will start to feel and sense the emotions and get the instant innerstanding of the bigger picture. It does not matter how the information comes through, just that you are open to receiving it. Now take your time and explore the Records that pertain to the event that you intend to clear.
6. Unwind the Emotions and Patterns
The greatest gift the Akashic Records can give to you is healing, and transcendence
and the energy of the Toroidal spiral is how this healing happens. Once the feelings, karmic patterns and mental images come up, allow them to unwind through the spiral energy (there is no need to force this unwinding). All the energy you give and receive comes through the Toroidal Field of the spiral around you.
While allowing the old patterns to unwind, you will also want to recognize where you can take responsibility for the actions or feelings. You want to release things more deeply. Keep going over every aspect presented to you by the Records until you feel the emotions dissipate and you no longer feel the feelings previously attached to it.
7. Surrender
Now it is time to surrender the whole story, emotions, and past back into the Akashic Records, letting go is very important for your healing. It is not about giving up, it is about letting go. The energy of surrender will support the shift. In the energy of surrender, you are allowing the vibration of the Records to do its job of healing and recreating your past which helps to elevate the ego's need to control the healing and helps you let go of any resistance that comes up, consciously or subconsciously.
8. Compassion
If you have any resistance to unwinding the energy or you still feel wronged or like you need to have the other person punished for what they did, then it is good to connect with compassion. Make the intention that you will see all sides of the event and connect to the feelings of compassion for you and anyone else affected by the experience. This is also known as simply looking as an observer. There is no reason why you should be impatient or hard on yourself as you process these deep things. Everyone was affected in some way, and everyone deserves compassion, even if their behavior was not okay.
9. Power of Joy
Now allow the power of joy to be present. Joy is the energy of gratitude and unconditional love and when you are in the Akashic Records, the feelings of joy, gratitude and love will wash all over you. Allow it to permeate into your cells and feel the Power of Joy through the vibration of gratitude and love. Become joy, gratitude, and love and it will open you to the Divine within yourself.
10. Ask to be shown your Divine self
Are you ready to see your true potential beyond this limiting circumstance? Now that you have let it go and unwound the pattern begin to immerse yourself in your highest potential that is available to you now. Feel and be that energy without your thoughts getting in the way.
You can stay here as long as you want to absorb this way of being in your cells.
11. Become aware of the room you are in
Now come back to the here and now and open your eyes.
This entire process is much easier than it may seem. The best part about the Records is once you start using the Akashic Records to receive healing, the steps of the meditation flow easier and faster.